Wednesday, June 22, 2011


IF you would like to own some original Plants Vs, Zombies artwork made by some guy named Mick Minogue (what a fake name) well now Is your chance to do so and not give him a penny. Instead all your cash will go to charity and not some corporate bulllshit charity where the children never see a penny of it, and are given shit third hand clothes from some skip of pretend sympathy but a real working charity. You can Click HERE and bid on the live Ebay Auction for the ' Final Wave'. My artist reaction to beating my addiction to the game, my studio became my rehab and my pens and card became my pills. After you bid and want to see If your gonna get your moneys worth you can see the art work in the flesh In the Temple Bar Film Base In Dublin City. This is for a good cause and I wouldn't ask YOU yes YOU the reader but before you head off back to work or stop procrastinating, could you copy and past this page and throw It up on your Facebook or Blog or somewhere for folk to see and hopefully do the same. Thank you so much If you do, that Is awesome. Will be more popping up about the Auction over the next few days so stay tuned.....

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