Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Scott Trakker & T-Bob wooden toy

The Orginal T-Bob Toy from Kenner. 
Man I loved M-A-S-K when I was a kid, best toy line ever, but I always remember when I got this T-BOB toy and I dunno why I liked It so much cause both characters In the cartoon were pretty lame , maybe cause the Scott Trakker figure was the first kid figure I ever had, I dunno I just digged It, then literally dug a hole In my garden and to this day he may still be there rotting away In old Newpark. Someone else lives In that house I used to live In and every now and then have this inclining to hop the wall with a shovel. I'm sure the cops would understand If I was caught, 'Im just lookin for my T-BOB no biggie!' So lately I've been watching MASK again In prep for an upcoming piece for a Gallery 1988 show and I decided to bring back the old toy I lost by making my own little wooden hommage to It. Since I lost my own to the dead soil I made the back of this piece all zombie like, as how I imagine Scott and T-Bob to be nowadays. The piece itself is handcut and painted but not very patiently It was way too nice out today. It just got a coat of varnish today so Its pretty fresh. Hope you like it. I swear I won't bury this one. 
I said In the previous post  that I might auction this little piece off. You can get an idea of its scale by the last pic below, I  might also make some packaging for him too If I have time. I'll only auction It off if  there's enough interest so If your interested leave a comment below or tell someone you know who might be  & Ill have a think on it. 

(please ignore my nerdy inhaler)

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