Wednesday, September 07, 2011

A very Crafty Electric Picnic!

Mr Steve Mccarthy & myself were Invited by the National Craft Gallery to come and perform some tunes and display some work at the Craftitecture Pavilion at this years Electric Picnic. We decided to combine both so we constructed big paper mache costumes and became DJ's for 3 nights of the festival. You haven't lived until you have seen pretend DJ's dressed as a creepy Deep Sea Diver and a mutated Lobster armed fisher man. 
We had a 'whale' of a time and are pretty sure gave people the bends with our set of tunes. The setting was beautiful and yet again a really amazing and brave decision by the National Craft Gallery to involve artists like ourselves and give us the freedom of expression, we are so grateful for that. To those of you who stopped by and had a dance with us, thank you and to those of you who didn't make it, lousy, you missed a 3 year old girl beat down  her Da with a giant lobster claw to the soundtrack of Caspa & Rusko's Mr Chips! Intense and fanbloodytastic! It was an amazing weekend, one of the best Picnics so far I think. To those who were at Pulp you know exactly what i mean. Hopefully we will be back again next year with more elaborate costumes and bring more fun times.Here are a selection of pics from the mad hectic week before and during the festival and remember lie cheat and steal to make art and always Stay crafty! 

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