Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Meat House Diner

This Is a commissioned diorama I finished last week. I just delivered It to Its new owner Gemma who has happy out opening It In a sun swept car park. Gemma gave me a really interesting brief for the diorama. She wanted me to make a piece based on her favourite pair of shoes.
These bad boys right here. I had no idea what I was gonna do and to be honest felt really stumped. I like zombies but ladies shoes..hmmmm It was a toughy but a pretty awesome brief. I  eventually got them In there In a very subtle way.  To help me out Gemma told me she was a total geek and loved all things zombie and pop culture based. She Is really big Into the Rockabilly scene and I just guessed she was a big Ghostbusters fan, who ain't? So after forgetting about this commission and getting a " Hey wheres my artwork" email I jumped into it and this is the result. The Meat House Diner. I wanted to develop my style and my approach to how I make these little box illustrations. I layered up the figues as much as I could for the size of them and  used the box In a more literal way, so I made it Into an old fashioned 50s corner diner. I had loads of fun with all the little details and after I made the Flea Market Poster I really like the idea of adding mini Billboards to the side, a way of adding unrelated artwork to a piece. This Is one of my favourite pieces I have made In a while and I'm pretty damn excited about making the next bigger and better. I recently went for a job In Urban Outfitters as a display artist, I really REALLY wanted to do a life size version of this In their window but alas I never heard back from them. If anyone knows anyone working In Urban Outfitters can you please hassle the person who got the job so that will leave so I can have their job! Thanks and unkindest regards. Mick. 

If you would like a diorama made for you or have an interesting brief you'd like to throw at me just send me a message inside the internet. 

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