Friday, August 16, 2013

DEAD WRIGHT - The making of

Dead Wright is a new collaborative make and do project from model maker and artist Elin Adler & myself. The idea is to create artwork for the Edgar Wright Tribute Art Show in Gallery 1988.  We also combined our love for making and created a zombie Edgar Wright pinata filled with miniature artwork. The hope is that Edgar Wright will beat his own zombie brains in on the opening night and feed his fan frenzy. 

 Elin's severed zombie arm sculpt and silicone moulded cast made excellent pińata gifts. 

 After Elin cast some brains we made some wooden trophy mounts, painted the brains and varnished them up. Perfect for those proud zombies or very clever hunters. 

 I made 8 illustrated woodcuts all based on my favourite Edgar Wright characters. Marsha and Brian from Spaced get me every time. 

 Elin filling the silicone moulds. It was amazing working with Elin and seeing her process, we worked so closely together she copied my hair style...or vice versa. 

 Maggots made for the pińata

 A beautiful hand made sea mine as part of Elin's Swan of the Dead piece. 

Our feline super friend Tamsin Mc Kiernan sat at this machine and made the coolest plush intestines which will protect all the art work in the pinata. 

Hand painted zombie arm badges ready for bubble wrapping and zombie body insertion. 

  The start of the Edgar pinata, a paper sculpt. 

Hand made Sean of the Dead cricket bat made for the zombie bashing. 

It's alive IT'S ALIVE!!! 

More Dead Wright pictures on the way - for more be sure to like and follow it on the Facebook page.

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