Thursday, October 18, 2012

The greatest jumper that ever was

Let me take you back to way back when. When? About two posts ago. I was telling you how I had met this girl at named Liadain at the Body & Soul Festival, she wore a jumper that shouted to us little lost festival boats like an amazing dancing lighthouse. A tiny neon lighthouse. Anywho the story behind what happened next is right HERE. This Is the 'to be continued' next episode of the story as I never showed you what Liadain made me as part of our amazing 'Batter Batter Swing Barter'. I just made up that name now,  I'm not sending this baby out in the world without being christened first In the name of the creation God  Neil Buchanan.
So as part of our 'Batter Batter Swing Barter' I asked Liadain would she make me a jumper as I had known she Is a skilled Leon the professional styled jumper maker. So the commission was to make an Ash Jumper as In Ash from Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr Fox. This Is my girlfriends favourite movie ever and this was the only way to get Ash closer to her heart without considering surgery. Ughhhh!!!
I had no idea how Liadain was gonna make this jumper. If It was me I would have made a sandwich of it slapping bits of felt down like cold fleshy blankets of ham. When I opened the package and saw this for the first time all I thought was " you've gotta be cussing me?". Holy detailed christ!
I don't really have to say much, the pictures speak for themselves really. When Annie saw this the first question she had was; "who made this"? "was It someone from Wes Andersons team?". Kinda I guess we're all on his team right? Look at the eyes LOOK AT THEM!!!!! She captured his character perfectly and on thee most comfiest jumper ever. I know as I was given the gift of one and I can take it off, Im wearing It right now and drinking tea, its mother fluppin Christmas In October. If you have read this and would like to have a chat with Liadain about having one of your very own personal jumpers you can email her at Make sure before you pop your coat on & head off to check out her amazing hobby horses here at or HERE on Facebook.  Li makes handmade velour jumpers which you need to own, you can see my one she gave me at the bottom.Without a doubt my new favourite jumper. Make sure to get In touch and say hello and tell her how great she is, things will be busy coming up to Christmas so holler as soon as.

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