Wednesday, December 12, 2012


At long last I have finally tidied up my side of the artwork bedroom and can happily say that now there Is  now one simple and easy place to view my work. It wasn't until I was compiling images for my new website that I realised how much work I have produced over the past 2 years, holy art balls I need to get out more. The minute I made this realisation I ran to the mirror hoping I had grown a hermits beard and really long insect picking nails but sadly I had not, I was but still a man child with a zombie hermits beard.
So let me tell you about this new online portfolio site as there are a few things you will need to know. 

  • The first thing Is that It's a temporary site as I am going to working with a champion website builder Mr Hoots next year on something very unique and special, so please DON"T excuse any little mistakes or hiccups you might come across on the site, let me know so I can fix them and pretend like you saw nothing wrong. 
  • The site Is a portfolio of selected work so I haven't included everything I have made or worked on In the past year or two.  I can't seem to go to the loo without drawing on the walls so with the volume of stuff I have I will update the site constantly with new work and archive the old for you. 
  • I made the site on Wix and found it really quick and easy to use, highly recommend It to anyone wanting to get work up quick smart. I haven't upgraded the page just yet so for now there may be the odd annoying add, please just ignore all that nonsense until I ninja chop that shit. 
  • My URL for the site Is redirected at just incase the wix address causes confusion, this will be all sorted In the coming days but please pass the site around If you are a fan or like the work. 
  • If the awesomeness of a simple portfolio site was not enough for you let me blow your trousers right off by telling you that In the coming days yes the days before Christmas I will be popping up a new online shop so you can by one off artworks and prints and things LOTS of things! 
If your new to this page or my work, welcome and I hope I giving you some enjoyment or made a fan of you. Its my fans and good people that allow me to keep making work and doing what I love so thank you for all your support. Just viewing the page or sharing It with someone Is all I ask so bookmark the heck out of it and spread it like digital butter on your internet bread! MUNCH!!! 

You can enter the new site HERE!!! WOOOOOHO!!!

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